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5-7 working days
Safe delivery below 10°C: Delivery with heat pack + shipping only Monday to Thursday
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Macodes petola
The leaves of the rare jewel orchid (lat. Macodes Petola) sparkle like thousands of small diamonds. This rare plant has already taken the hearts of many plant fans in a storm. It is just perfect for your Baiosphere, because it loves its warm, humid microclimate.
Give your plants a beautiful home
No green thumb needed
You don’t have a green thumb Don’t worry, the Baiosphere has its own atmosphere where plants thrive like in a miniature greenhouse.
Full-Spectrum LED for perfect lighting
The full spectrum leds are incredible similar to natural sunlight and guarantee healthy plant growth.
Perfect microclimate for tropical plants
Moisture stays in the Baiosphere for a very long time, because the evaporated water mostly runs back via the glass pane. That’s why you only have to water it so rarely.
Usefull instructions for easy scaping
Let your creativity run wild or follow our scaping instructions. To build a small little world in your Baiosphere is a lot of fun and no rocket science.
Baiosphere Bundles
With the Baiosphere Bundles, you get everything you need – and save up to €30*
Baiosphere Mini
Rainforest Scaping Set
Scaping Flyer mit Video-Tutorial
Booklet mit hilfreichen Pflege-Tipps
Baiosphere Mini
Scaping Tools Set
Glas Spray Bottle
Rainforest Scaping Set
Scaping Flyer mit Video-Tutorial
Booklet mit hilfreichen Pflege-Tipps
*im Vergleich zum Einzelkauf